We believe that everyone has an Unbreakable Spirit

Severs Disease

Severs Disease, or calcaneal apophysitis, is a very common condition in growing children – particularly those that are physically active. The most common symptom of Severs Disease is localised heel pain with activity. Symptoms are most likely to be at their worst during a child’s growth spurt. This is a similar condition to Osgood Schlatters Disease of the knee.

Chronic Ankle Instability

Do you roll your ankle every time you play sport? Do you rely on ankle braces to feel confident in your ankle? Do your ankles feel unstable?

You are not alone! Chronic ankle instability is actually very common, with 40-70% of people who suffer an acute ankle sprain still experiencing symptoms 12 months later. This percentage is particularly high in the athletic population. Thankfully research shows that Physiotherapy can help reduce your instability, allowing you to feel more confident in your ankle and participate in the things you love.