We believe that everyone has an Unbreakable Spirit
Tummy time exercises for your baby

Tummy time exercises for your baby

Tummy time for your baby  – Paediatric Physiotherapy Moorabbin

Tummy time is a simple but very effective activity that can be started as soon as your baby is born. Tummy time involves placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. It allows your baby to strengthen the muscles of their neck, back and shoulders which is important for developing key milestones as they get older such as rolling, sitting and crawling.

Initially babies may find tummy time difficult due to their head being heavy. However as they get stronger this gets easier. Shorter periods more frequently throughout the day are recommended earlier on and gradually increasing the time as your baby gets stronger. Tummy time is also a very useful strategy to prevent a flat head which is known as ‘plagiocephaly’. Plagiocephaly is a condition we very commonly see at Unbreakable Physiotherapy.


Tummy time exercises for your baby
Tummy time exercises for your baby

Tummy time can be implemented in varying ways. Here are some ways to implement tummy time at home:

  • Elevated on your chest
  • Propped over a towel
  • Supported on a fit ball
  • Carried over your arms
  • Over your lap


Tummy Time exercises


While tummy time is important often babies may not be very fond of the activity. To make this activity more enjoyable it can be useful to use mirrors, colourful toys or black and white contrast cards. Talking or singing to your baby can also be very engaging as well as being on their level. Remember to praise your baby even if they tolerate tummy time for a short period of time.

Remember to implement tummy time when your baby is supervised and always ensure that your baby sleeps on their back for sleep safety. Varying the positions that your baby is in during the day is very important for their development this includes being on their back, side, stomach or supported in a sitting position. If you find that your baby is having difficulties with tummy time it may be worth a review with a Paediatric Physiotherapist.


Here at Unbreakable Physiotherapy in Moorabbin – our Paediatric Physiotherapists are very experienced with all things plagiocephaly, flat head and of course tummy time 🙂



Royal Children’s Hospital (2020). Tummy time for your baby. Retrieved from https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Tummy_time_for_your_baby/

Raising Children Network (2023). Tummy time for babies: in pictures. Retrieved from https://raisingchildren.net.au/newborns/play-learning/play-ideas/tummy-time